VoyOpt™ - Improve Vessel Efficiency, Enhance Profitability, Decarbonise World
The VoyOpt™ System is an advanced Voyage Optimization and Weather Routing Solution which boosts vessel efficiency by significantly reducing emissions and enhancing savings for the vessel operator. It enhances decarbonisation efforts.
Reduce Ship Emissions and Transition towards Green Shipping
The climate change crisis continues to rapidly impact communities around the globe. The maritime sector must take urgent action to support decarbonisation by drastically reducing global CO2 emissions.
Offshore Navigation Limited offers VoyOpt™, an innovative voyage optimization and weather routing solution for the maritime industry. The VoyOpt™ System allows the vessel operators and the fleet management to opt for the voyage plan with maximum energy efficiency, real-time weather routing insights, and optimal ETAs.
Offshore Navigation Limited offers VoyOpt™, an innovative voyage optimization and weather routing solution for the maritime industry. The VoyOpt™ System allows the vessel operators and the fleet management to opt for the voyage plan with maximum energy efficiency, real-time weather routing insights, and optimal ETAs.
WHY Choose us
What Sets Us Apart
Key Features
Enables Vessel Operators to select and customize the best possible optimized routes according to their preferences – minimum fuel usage, fastest ETA, safest voyage, lowest emissions, least structural stress, maximum passenger comfort, and more
Avoids Heavy Weather and Navigational Hazards (resulting in a reduction in wear and tear, maintenance costs, and an extension in the vessel’s operational lifetime)
Optimizes sailing time and generates optimal ETA’s for every Voyage Plan, while reducing overall Voyage Costs and GHG Emissions
Uses frequently updated, multi-sourced Metocean forecasts with both real-time and archived Earth Observation (EO) data, to create a merged forecast combined with machine learning algorithms for accurate route – optimization
Utilizes ship-specific performance models, tailored according to vessel information and requirements, with AI and machine learning algorithms.
Calculates voyage fuel consumption, cost, and other ship performance analysis parameters –which information is then made available as reports, charts, graphics, and other documentation formats for various users.